The program aims at providing a rigorous training in fundamental concepts of statistics, mathematics economics and computer which creates a strong knowledge base in data science domain.
Data science is a fantastic career with a tone of potential for future growth. Already, there is a lot of demand competitive pay, and several benefits, companies are actively looking for data scientists that can glean valuable information from massive amount of data
Data science job are becoming common place and necessary for companies across the globe to optimize quality and financial growth. Future of Data science is estimated to bring opportunities in various areas of banking, financing, insurance, entertainment telecommunication automobile etc.…. A data scientist will help grow an organization by assisting them in making better decisions.
Fee Structure and Rules & Regulations
Scheme and Syllabus
12th Passed
Contact Info
St Benedict’s College Calicut
Pasukkadav, Kuttiady
Kozhikode - 673513
+91 80754 27749
+91 97444 22259
+91 97444 11159
Mon – Sat 9:00AM. – 5:00PM.